- Hycamite selected as a Strategic Project by the European Commission
- Potential CO₂ reduction in tire manufacturing: Hycamite’s advanced carbon materials
- What has happened in the hydrogen industry and regulation during the last two years, and what will happen next?
- The exponential energy opportunity: Hycamite’s role in transforming the U.S. economy
- Hycamite is getting ready for the next growth steps – a successful investment round completed with long-term equity commitments of high-quality investors
- Hycamite receives ISO certificates
- Hycamite, MOLEA and MOL PLUS sign MoU to cooperate in promoting the application of methane-splitting for power generation and propulsion onboard marine vessels
- Betolar and Hycamite have signed a commercial agreement to test carbon nanofibers as concrete additive
- Betolar ja Hycamite kaupalliseen sopimukseen nanohiilikuidun testaamisesta betonin lisäaineena
- This is our new brand identity
- Our Customer Sample Facility (CSF), built in Kokkola, Finland, is Europe’s largest methane-splitting plant
- Building Europe’s largest methane-splitting facility
- Wärtsilä and Hycamite decarbonize shipping
- Highlights of The Grand Opening of Customer Sample Facility
- Origin story: This isn’t magic, it’s science.
- Hycamite won the Green Transition Business Competition 2024!
- Here’s to decarbonizing industry!
- Hycamite opens Europe’s largest methane-splitting plant for low-carbon hydrogen production
- Conversation with Matti Malkamäki and Jarmo Sareva
- Meet the Decarbonizers – Tommi Viiperi
- Decarbonized fossil fuels can solve shipping’s emissions problems
- Meet the Decarbonizers – Laura Rahikka
- Hydrogen producer Hycamite introduces low-carbon footprint graphite for EV batteries
- Synthetic graphite with a very low carbon footprint? It’s possible!
- Open house 6.9.2024
- We can decarbonize car batteries by splitting methane
- Hycamite supports the European Industrial Green Deal
- Meet the Decarbonizers – Matti Malkamäki
- Fineweld asentaa laitteet Hycamiten uuteen vedyntuotantolaitokseen
- The largest methane-splitting hydrogen plant in Europe will begin operations this fall
- A hydrogen valley can lift Finland from an investment slump
- It doesn’t matter what the color of hydrogen is as long as it lowers net emissions
- Hycamite’s perspective on the proposed 45V regulation for clean hydrogen production
- Methane splitting offers an alternative to today’s synthetic graphite production
- Hycamite aloitti vedyntuotantolaitoksen rakennustyöt Kokkolassa
- Hycamite breaks ground at Kokkola Industrial Park for Customer Sample Facility
- Hycamite breaks ground at Kokkola Industrial Park for Customer Sample Facility
- Hycamite joins USHA
- Hycamite joins NAATBatt International
- Matti Malkamäki Cooperative Viexpo Export Ambassador 2023
- Matti Malkamäki Osuuskunta Viexpon Vientilähettiläs 2023
- From side stream to revenue stream – solid carbon from methane gas can replace Chinese graphite in electric car batteries
- Hycamite and other companies to turn Kokkola into Finland’s clean energy and decarbonization capital
- Hycamite signs an agreement securing natural gas supply for its Kokkola plant
- Hycamite sopi maakaasun toimittamisesta Kokkolan tuotantolaitokselleen
- Hycamite aiesopimukseen päästöttömän vedyn tuotannosta Yhdysvalloissa
- NW Natural and Hycamite to explore opportunities for emissions-free hydrogen production technology in Oregon
- Hycamite raises 25 million euros from Sojitz and other investors to support low-carbon hydrogen production with methane pyrolysis
- Hycamite keräsi 25 miljoonaa euroa vedyntuotantoa varten – sijoitus uuteen tuotantoteknologiaan, jossa vetyä valmistetaan päästöttömästi bio- ja maakaasusta
- North America wants more carbon products – and to reduce their import
- Niina Grönqvist’s article: “North America wants more carbon products – and to reduce their import”
- Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association welcomes Hycamite as a new member
- It’s no coincidence that Hycamates are happy in their jobs
- Hycamite joins ISO working group
- Hycamite COB Matti Malkamäki: EU can learn from Japan and USA
- Hycamite selected to Production Roundtable of ECH2A
- Hycamite on Talouselämä’s Top 10 start-up list
- Welcome to work in Kokkola!
- Government: Finland’s goal is to become the technology-neutral European leader in the hydrogen economy
- Hycamite joins Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels Value Chain Industrial Alliance
- Hydrogen producer Hycamite secures up to €10 million capital loan
- Hycamite and biogas industry call for urgent rethink on GHG protocol guidance
- Hycamite calls for an ambitious FuelEU Maritime Regulation
- Malkamäki: The EU should make clean hydrogen forms equal – and learn from the IRA of the USA
- Open letter from Hycamite to EU for low-carbon hydrogen
- Permits ready for Customer Sample Facility
- Wärtsilä partners with cleantech start-up Hycamite to jointly develop technology for onboard production of hydrogen from LNG
- Welcome kids to Hycamite!
- ABB and Hycamite to collaborate on low-carbon hydrogen and clean carbon production on an industrial scale
- Hycamite and Hulteberg to collaborate in developing reactors and catalysts
- Read Matti Malkamäki’s article about Pyrolysis
- Malkamäki: “Europe needs better regulation”
- Hycamite joins Hydrogen Europe
- Hycamite joins Network NanoCarbon
- Finnish Minister of Economic Affairs visits Hycamite
- Hycamite selected as a European Hydrogen Investment Summit winner
- Hycamite applies membership of Network NanoCarbon
- Hycamite at European Hydrogen Investment Summit
- Hycamite welcomed the mission from the Groningen Hydrogen Valley
- It Is Time to Curb Methane Slips
- Hycamite awarded for the Innovation In Hydrogen Technology in Canada
- Sustainably produced European hydrogen brings us security of supply
- Hycamite selected a final nominee for the Canadian Hydrogen Convention Awards
- More investors for hydrogen producer Hycamite
- Hycamite signs LOI with Jervois Global on potential hydrogen supply
- Matti Malkamäki in Kauppalehti: Finland should build hydrogen economy like Sweden does
- New German government takes steps to the hydrogen economy
- Gasum and Hycamite begin cooperation on decarbonizing natural gas and biogas
- Hycamite COB Matti Malkamäki on Kauppalehti – Feasibility of many hydrogen projects is questionable
- Hycamite selects Envineer as its environmental consultant for its hydrogen production plant
- Hycamite COB Matti Malkamäki to chair the Finnish public sector hydrogen network
- Hycamite CEO Laura Rahikka: ECH2A wants more low carbon hydrogen
- Battery industry needs high-quality carbon
- Hycamite appoints Swedbank as lead advisor to explore financing options
- Finnish Minister of Science visits Hycamite
- Hycamite listed as one of Finland’s leading startups focused on hydrogen
- Hycamite selects Sweco as the engineering partner of its hydrogen-producing pilot plant
- Hycamite now in Nordic cleantech start-ups Top 10
- Carmakers need better sources of carbon for their batteries
- Hycamite opens a hydrogen production test facility
- Hycamite in Nordic cleantech start-ups Top 25
- Hycamite announces a pilot plant for zero-emission hydrogen production
- Hycamite becomes Kokkolan Energia’s gas customer
- Hycamite CEO Laura Rahikka invited to join the CEO Roundtable on Hydrogen established by Mariya Gabriel, the EU Commissioner
- Hycamite joins BotH2nia, a north European hydrogen valley initiative
- Larger hydrogen production facilities for Hycamite in Finland
- Letter to the editor of Helsingin Sanomat: “Hydrogen must also be produced in other ways than only with solar and wind power”
- Slow down climate change with zero-emission hydrogen from methane
- Malkamäki on Helsingin Sanomat: Finland needs to invest in the hydrogen infrastructure
- Don’t waste carbon to the sky
- CCS technologies cannot provide enough emissions-free hydrogen