Hycamite applies membership of Network NanoCarbon

Vice President, Carbon products Niina Grönqvist presented Hycamite at the NanoCarbon Annual Conference 2022 in Würzburg, Germany, and discussed with other participants about carbon nanomaterials and the latest technology. At the same time, Hycamite has applied a membership of Network NanoCarbon.

The target of the Network NanoCarbon is the safe and responsible further development of nanocarbons and their products. Within the network, more than 20 companies and research institutes from Germany, Europe and overseas work closely to implement innovative products and applications in a sustainable and resource friendly manner.

Hycamite produces both hydrogen and pure carbon sustainably by splitting methane molecules.

Read more about the network


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Hycamite is a visionary, clean tech force. We are focused on creating a profound impact by decarbonizing industry.
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