Hycamite is getting ready for the next growth steps – a successful investment round completed with long-term equity commitments of high-quality investors

Hycamite announced today that it has secured a total of €44 million in a two-step series A investment from a group of high-quality strategic and financial investors. The second part of the series was closed to initiate the operations of the company’s industrial-scale demonstration unit. The investment round was led by Sojitz Group, with existing investors Holdix Oy, Turret Oy, and Stephen Industries Oy also participating. New investors OMV Petrom and MOL PLUS joined the investment.
Hycamite, MOLEA and MOL PLUS sign MoU to cooperate in promoting the application of methane-splitting for power generation and propulsion onboard marine vessels

Hycamite TCD Technologies Ltd, MOLEA Ltd. and MOL PLUS Co., Ltd. announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation in promoting the application of methane-splitting for power generation and propulsion onboard marine vessels.
Betolar and Hycamite have signed a commercial agreement to test carbon nanofibers as concrete additive

Betolar Oyj and Hycamite TCD Technologies Oy have signed a commercial agreement to assess the applicability of carbon nanofibers for enhancing the strength properties of concrete and reducing its carbon footprint. The usability of Hycamite’s low-carbon carbon nanofibers as an additive in concrete products and mining applications will be explored in the research project.
Betolar ja Hycamite kaupalliseen sopimukseen nanohiilikuidun testaamisesta betonin lisäaineena

Betolar Oyj ja Hycamite TCD Technologies Oy ovat allekirjoittaneet kaupallisen sopimuksen nanohiilikuidun soveltuvuuden arvioimiseksi betonin lujuusominaisuuksien lisääjänä ja hiilijalanjäljen pienentäjänä. Tutkimusprojektissa kartoitetaan Hycamiten tuottaman vähähiilisen nanohiilikuidun käytettävyyttä lisäaineena betonituotteissa ja kaivossovelluksissa.
Hycamite opens Europe’s largest methane-splitting plant for low-carbon hydrogen production

Today, Hycamite TCD Technologies, a leader in emissions-free methane-splitting technology, opens Europe’s largest methane-splitting plant in Kokkola, Finland. Once fully operational, the nominal capacity
of Hycamite’s Customer Sample Facility (CSF) will reach 2,000 tonnes of low-carbon hydrogen and 6,000 tonnes of high-quality carbon annually.
Hydrogen producer Hycamite introduces low-carbon footprint graphite for EV batteries

Hycamite, a leader in emissions-free methane-splitting technology, announces the launch of graphite production with a very low carbon footprint. Hycamite’s novel methane-splitting technology delivers low-carbon hydrogen and high-quality carbon products on an industrial scale. Thanks to advances in proprietary catalysts and process technology, Hycamite can now also offer graphite with a very low carbon footprint compared to conventionally produced synthetic graphite.
Hycamite aloitti vedyntuotantolaitoksen rakennustyöt Kokkolassa

Hycamite on aloittanut rakennustyöt Kokkolassa uuden vedyntuotantolaitoksensa tontilla.
Hycamite breaks ground at Kokkola Industrial Park for Customer Sample Facility

Hycamite has begun construction of the new Customer Sample Facility (CSF) building in Kokkola, Finland.
Hycamite and other companies to turn Kokkola into Finland’s clean energy and decarbonization capital

A group of companies working in the hydrogen economy and companies planning to reduce the carbon footprint of their operations and products have signed a letter of intent to turn Kokkola into Finland’s clean energy and decarbonization capital.
Hycamite signs an agreement securing natural gas supply for its Kokkola plant

Hycamite and Kokkolan Energiaverkostot have agreed that the latter will supply methane for the former’s Kokkola plant.