Niina Grönqvist’s article: “North America wants more carbon products – and to reduce their import”

The fast-growing battery industry needs the security of supply. While companies' demand for high-value carbon products is snowballing, it is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses to access battery materials that are produced close to battery factories.

The fast-growing battery industry needs the security of supply. While companies’ demand for high-value carbon products is snowballing, it is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses to access battery materials that are produced close to battery factories. We need solutions that help reduce supply chain risks when the demand rises.

At the beginning of June, I had exciting discussions with several battery industry experts at Battery Minerals & Supply Chain 2023 in Toronto, Canada. We need much more high-quality carbon products than today for the industrial value chain, and we need to create supply chains unaffected by geopolitical challenges.

This article was originally published on LinkedIn. Read the article here.


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Hycamite is a visionary, clean tech force. We are focused on creating a profound impact by decarbonizing industry.
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