We asked Hycamite staff how satisfied they were with their jobs. The answer from our team was a resounding yes – Hycamite is excellent to work for. When our team members were asked how satisfied they were with their jobs on a scale of 0 to 100, the average answer was 90.
This is the result of our leadership: we have made a conscious effort to make Hycamite a place where it is enjoyable to go to work in the morning.
This data is from the Siqn staff survey, to which almost all (96%) of our employees responded. Together, the Significant Company, Leidenschaft, and Eezy Flow constitute Finland’s largest research, consultancy, and coaching house, which aims to transform Finnish working life.
A sense of togetherness in the coffee room
When you visit the coffee room in our Kokkola office to get a cup of hot coffee, it is easy to stay to chat and have a laugh. It’s nice to be with your colleagues. This is crucial – when our staff were asked what the most important thing in the workplace was, half listed a strong sense of team spirit. According to the survey, Hycamite does well in this area: respondents scored team spirit 84 on a scale of 0 to 100.
The second most important thing for our team members was meaningful work and an inspiring sense of purpose – Hycamite does this well. On average, respondents scored the meaningfulness of their work as 98 points on a scale of 0 to 100.
It’s easy for me to agree. When the other founders and I started this company, I felt it was vital to use all my experience and knowledge to help protect our planet from climate change. At Hycamite, everyone’s work has a clear purpose in building a clean future, and we need everyone’s help to achieve it.

Come as you are
Hycamite staff members feel that their working environment allows them to be themselves (89 points) and that we are a team of top professionals (professional colleagues, 90 points). There is a strong link between these two ratings: top professionals know that everyone can contribute most effectively to a common goal when they are allowed to be themselves. We respect each other as human beings.
Often, prestigious workplaces make a conscious effort to ensure employees come from diverse backgrounds. We can see things differently when we approach a company from different backgrounds. Combining multiple perspectives allows things to be seen clearly. We do this at Hycamite: we have roughly equal numbers of men and women and have made a concerted effort to internationalise our workplace; therefore, our team is already quite multicultural. We also accept different personalities – you will be a valued member of our team whether you are super-social or a bit of an introvert.
Developing internal communication
We also have weaknesses. We acknowledge them because we want to keep improving our team and understand where to target improvements.
Our employees highlighted that although information circulates within smaller teams, keeping track of what the people in the building next door are up to at Hycamite in Kokkola can be challenging. We are now working on a solution to this problem and are looking at options like more joint meetings or increasing the digital sharing of information.
Laura Rahikka
CEO, M.Sc. in Process Engineering