High-quality carbon products

Sustainable, solid carbon products for demanding applications

Solid carbon means solid business

80% less

Carbon emissions compared to traditional graphite production.

Local production

Hycamite can produce carbon products locally as methane is widely available across the globe.

High-quality carbon from methane

The HYCAMITE™ process converts methane into hydrogen and solid carbon using heat and recyclable catalysts, resulting in emissions-free carbon production. Our carbon product portfolio results from over 20 years of research by top scientists in their respective fields. This portfolio consists of graphite and carbon nanoproducts, suitable for various industrial applications such as battery production, electrically conductive polymers, electronics and concrete manufacturing.

Methane, obtained from various sources such as natural gas and biomethane, is readily scalable and can be transported through existing infrastructure. Hycamite not only offers high-quality carbon products, but also significantly reduces carbon emissions. It emits less than 1 kg CO2e/kg carbon, compared to the 5 kg CO2e/kg emitted from traditional graphite production.

Carbon products, locally

When biogas is utilized as a source of methane, the end products act as a carbon sink, ultimately removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 

Hycamite can locally produce carbon products, as methane is widely available globally, enhancing the security of critical carbon product supply.  

Hycamite has developed several catalyst families. Using different catalysts, Hycamite can produce different types of carbon products. This means that Hycamite’s carbon products can be adapted to meet the needs of different customers.

Our comprehensive carbon product portfolio empowers our customers to achieve their environmental goals


Comprehensive carbon product portfolio

Our comprehensive carbon product portfolio, featuring products like battery-grade graphite, is designed to meet diverse customer needs.

Environmentally friendly production

Our products are produced using environmentally friendly methods, enabling our customers to achieve their carbon dioxide emission reduction targets.

Scalable deliveries

Thanks to our scalable and modular plants, we can meet the large volume requirements of our customers.

Customized products

We create custom products designed to meet individual customer needs and tailored to their specific applications.